4 Tips for Deciding Where to Locate Egress Windows Downers Grove, IL

4 Tips for Deciding Where to Locate Egress Windows Downers Grove, IL

Are you planning to install an egress window in your basement? Egress windows present various challenges for homeowners. You have to ensure that you meet building code requirements and meet your own needs and conditions for the space you’re working with. The following are some tips to consider when figuring out where to locate egress windows.

Egress Windows | Downers Grove, IL | Everdry Waterproofing Illinois

  1. Consider building code

Unlike regular windows, egress windows are subject to strict building code requirements. These requirements detect the size and style of window you can use as an egress window and how high from the ground these windows can be installed. Specific requirements vary from one jurisdiction to another. It is essential to consider code and keep your window at the required height.

  1. Consider sunlight

One of the most significant benefits of including an egress window in your basement is that it will be a source of natural light. Proper placement of your window will ensure that your room gets as much light as possible. Consider the movement of the sun across the sky. If possible, locate your windows to get the most of morning and after sunlight. You also need to consider obstacles to light, such as trees and other features of your landscape.

  1. Existing windows

If you already have windows in your basement, you may want to consider replacing them with your new egress windows. You can avoid cutting through other parts of the basement by using the existing openings. Your contractor can help you determine whether the location meets the code and how to fit your new egress window into the existing space. You may have to enlarge the current opening to fit your egress window.

Egress Windows | Downers Grove, IL | Everdry Waterproofing Illinois

  1. The structure of your basement

Installing an egress window involves cutting into the foundation of your home. It is essential to understand your home’s structure to ensure that you don’t compromise the integrity of your foundation. Consulting a structural engineer is a great place to start when deciding where to locate your window.

The structure of your basement will also influence the orientation of your window. For example, you will need to know the location of the joists and consider the space available to determine whether to install the window horizontally or vertically.

Are you considering installing an egress window? Use the tips above to help you locate your window.

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